With vaccinations readily available and much of the United States beginning to reopen after more than a year of being shut down to COVID-19, many people are finding themselves ready for a fresh start in their personal lives. Spending more time at home than usual turned cracks into irreparable rifts in relationships, leading many couples ready to divorce as the world returns to some sense of normalcy.
If this applies to your circumstances, there are a few things you can do in order to minimize complications and increase your likelihood of a favorable outcome. As you’ll learn in more detail, contacting an experienced divorce attorney for help is one of the best ways to make sure that everything is in order so that you can turn the page and begin a new chapter of your life.
The family law attorneys at The Fairell Firm in Atlanta provide dedicated assistance for divorce , child custody , child support , and many other areas of family law. Contact our office to schedule a consultation, and read on to learn more about how you can get prepared for divorce in the next several months.
Money is often the source of marital issues, and unfortunately, it’s something that needs to be considered as you make the decision to proceed with the divorce. You need to consider whether you can afford to live in your current home without your spouse’s income, how you will support your children, and how stable your current job is. COVID-19 and the subsequent reduction in hours, layoffs, and other forms of financial fallout have probably affected you in one way or another, so make sure that you thoroughly understand your current financial situation and what it will look like after your divorce.
If you and your spouse have children together, then you will need to make sure that you’ve created a parenting plan to which you can both agree. Much of the workforce will be returning to offices and physical workplaces instead of working remotely, meaning that you’ll need to determine whether and if you will need to invest in child care, or if you can agree to share custody in a way that works around both schedules. In Georgia, the law does not favor one parent over another when it comes to child custody, so make sure that you’ve accounted for this as you create your plan.
Although many establishments are reopening and many people are feeling safer and more confident as coworkers, friends, and family members receive vaccines, COVID-19 will be present in society for the foreseeable future. Some divorced parents have attempted to use COVID-19 as an excuse to deny visitation, but the State of Georgia has ruled that parenting schedules need to remain the same. If you encounter this issue, you may want to consider contacting a family law attorney for advice and taking legal action if necessary.
After more than a year of stress, anxiety, and hardship, the last thing anyone wants is to spend more time than necessary in a relationship or living situation that doesn’t align with their needs and values. Unfortunately, the fact that the courts were closed for several months means that the divorce process — even in less complex situations — is likely to take longer than normal. This means that you will need to work with your spouse and/or your divorce attorney to create an arrangement that protects your interests and doesn’t put undue stress on your family.
2020 and much of 2021 have been incredibly taxing in ways that affect every family differently. At The Fairell Firm, we have worked tirelessly to help individuals and their families navigate the challenges and complexities caused by COVID-19, especially when it comes to divorce and child custody.
If you’re considering divorce or have already made the decision, it’s important to contact a divorce attorney who can help you understand your options. If you choose to work with us, you can expect dedicated support and representation that puts your interests first.
Contact our office or give us a call to schedule a consultation.
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