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5 Reasons To Be Completely Honest With Your Divorce Lawyer

July 18, 2018


5 reasons to be honest with your divorce lawyer

Divorce is hard — there’s simply no way to sugarcoat it.

It will be even more difficult, though, if you’re not honest and upfront with your lawyer throughout the entire divorce process.

At The Fairell Firm in Atlanta, we aim to guide you through the divorce process as smoothly as possible. To do this, we need you to be completely honest with our local divorce attorneys. This will save you time, money, and energy overall, and it could even secure you a better divorce settlement for your situation. Contact us today for divorce help, and read our blog for five reasons why it’s worth it to be honest when it comes to divorce.

1. You Can’t Hide The Truth Forever

When you very first begin divorce proceedings with your lawyer, you’ll answer many questions regarding your married, personal, and financial history. It won’t do you any good to withhold information — the truth always comes out eventually .

We recognize how difficult it can be to open up and share your deepest, darkest secrets or embarrassing facts with someone whom you don’t know very well. However, domestic violence, infidelity, and other uncomfortable truths will come to light eventually. Wouldn’t it be better if it came up with your personal divorce lawyer rather than in the court during questioning? Get it over with it and be honest now, and you’ll save time and money later on, as well as being better prepared for divorce court.

2. Your Lawyer Has Probably Heard It Before

Local divorce attorneys hear it all. There’s no need to be embarrassed and not share something for fear of what your divorce lawyer will think. Here at The Fairell Firm, our female divorce lawyers have worked with women from all over Atlanta who have told their stories as well. Find your voice — even if the story embarrasses you initially — and open up to us. It’s in your best interest.

Besides, when you talk with your divorce lawyer about something that’s uncomfortable for you to talk about, you’re more likely to feel less flustered when the same topic comes up in divorce court.

3. You Want Your Lawyer To Be Prepared

Withholding significant information from your lawyer will only hinder your divorce process. Even the best divorce lawyers out there would struggle in court if they weren’t given full, honest information about your relationship.

Divorce lawyers spend hours preparing for cases and ensuring they represent you best in court. They can’t do that, though, if you’re not forthcoming with information. Whether you think the information will help or harm your case is inconsequential; that’s for your divorce lawyer to decide. Then, your lawyer can handle the information in the best way possible and not be hit with any uncomfortable surprises in divorce court that could damage your case more than if you had been honest in the first place.

Ready to meet with your divorce lawyer? We can help

4. You’re Paying Your Lawyer

Time is money, and the divorce process is no exception to this rule. Each time you meet with your divorce attorney, you pay. If your divorce process is drawn out and takes more time because of your initial dishonesty, it’ll cost you. You’ll have paid for the wasted time and potentially even taken time off of work for which you weren’t paid. In addition, you’ll pay for time to correct errors and you may not even end up with as good of a divorce ruling as you would’ve liked.

You can also be honest about your financial situation if, for example, your spouse made the majority of the household income. Doing so could potentially secure a billing process that’s more manageable for you.

5. You’ll Be More Comfortable Later On

We touched on this earlier, but it couldn’t be more true. You’ll have to tell the truth in court when under oath, so go ahead and get comfortable with telling the truth now. You’ll also have less stress and anxiety in your life and in the court if you’re honest with your divorce attorney. By not telling the truth — or the complete truth — you’ll always have to remember whom who told what and you’ll have the added pressure of keeping your stories straight.

You could also be more comfortable and pleased with your divorce settlement later on if you told the truth throughout the divorce process.

 Want to meet with a female divorce lawyer in Atlanta? The Fairell Firm is just what you’re looking for. We’re a Top Rated® Local for Georgia attorneys and we have extensive experience with divorce laws in Georgia . We’re qualified to handle the divorce process and it’s easy to be honest with us; don’t take our word for it though — see what our clients are saying .

Contact us today for divorce help.

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