Once you’ve gone through the divorce process, established custody agreements, and learned Georgia child support laws, the last thing you want is for your ex to fall through on child support payments. After all, you rely on this money to help you get by each month.
If this is the case for you, it may be time to look into family law and see if you have a case. At The Fairell Firm in Atlanta, our local attorneys can help make sure you’re getting the child support payments you deserve to receive. Read our blog today for four ways to handle this situation, and reach out to us to get started or to ask any questions you may have.
Of course you want the full payment each month — that’s perfectly reasonable. If your ex-spouse isn’t capable of or willing to pay the full amount, though, see if at least some of the child support can still be paid. It’s fine to accept partial payments, but keep track of all payment records carefully. If child support lawyers are involved later on, these records will be vital.
Child support payments can legally be decreased (perhaps due to a job change with lower pay, etc.), but all payments up to that date should be paid in full. Payments can also be increased later on (if, say, your ex were to get a better-paying job once more).
This may be easier said than done, but it really will help you and your children financially if you don’t rely on these payments. In a perfect world, you would, of course, be able to plan on receiving child support payments each month; if your ex regularly falters on payments, though, do yourself a favor and don’t depend on them.
If you don’t plan on this money coming in, then you’ll hopefully have enough money to stay afloat each month because you planned your budget appropriately. When the payments do come in, then, it will be extra money on top that can go toward savings, debt, or your child’s expenses.
If your ex-spouse establishes a pattern of regularly paying child support, then go ahead and plan on it within your budget. Living as though you don’t have it though, whenever possible, means more money you can save, more cushion for hard times, and less dependence if child support ever ends for some reason.
Jailing your ex is often the last resort if he or she isn’t paying child support, which works to your benefit. Jail time means your ex-spouse can’t make money and therefore can’t pay child support as a result. Family law attorneys can work to withhold federal tax refunds, seize property, and more to ensure you get your money.
Our child support attorneys at The Fairell Firm will work tirelessly to offer family law advice, see if you have a case, and help you through court. Whether you’re interested in modifying, enforcing, or challenging your current child support order, you have a friend in Atlanta who can help you understand the legal process involved in child support payments.
If your ex-spouse is involved in your children’s lives, then keep it that way. It may be hard to not harbor anger or resentment, especially when you’re not receiving your child support payments, but it’s important to let your ex stay involved.
If you exclude your ex from your child’s life, you don’t just punish your ex; you also punish your innocent child. Encouraging their connection will also be a reminder to your ex of love for your child and will help your ex stay invested. When your ex knows what’s happening in your child’s life, you’re more likely to receive either full or partial child support.
When your ex isn’t paying child support and you’re ready for a change, we’re here for you. We hope you’ll follow these four tips and contact us today. We have years of experience practicing family law in Atlanta, and we’re eager to help you succeed.
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