There are a lot of choices when looking for a family lawyer or personal injury attorney in the Metro Atlanta area. In fact, choosing one can be overwhelming. Here at The Fairell Firm, we invite you to consider our family and personal injury law firm. We take a different approach to law, always putting our customers first. We keep in constant contact with our clients, letting them know where their case is at in the legal process. We can answer any question you may have, and our lawyers always put your interests first. If you are looking for a top-rated Metro Atlanta law firm, get in touch for a consultation today!
Divorce, as you know, happens to many people, and it's never pleasant. It's often wrought with pain, and it can be utterly devastating. Our team of divorce and family law attorneys in the Metro Atlanta area assure you that when you partner with us, we'll fight for your wants and desires in your case. From alimony and mediation to litigation and protective orders, we are here to ensure you receive the most favorable outcome, so you can move on with your life. Call today!
Child custody issues can be extremely trying. After all, the future of your children is at stake. You want to make the best decisions for them when it comes to custody issues, and our family lawyers in Metro Atlanta are here to assist you in any way possible. We offer representation for your child custody case. We can help you with matters that pertain to child visitation, parent relocations, and decisions about the child's upbringing. Call us with any questions you may have today.
Under Georgia law, both parents are responsible for their child's ultimate well-being, which includes financial support. However, it can become complicated when going through a divorce as you try to negotiate child support payments. In addition, many parents' financial situation changes, and they wonder how they can legally change child support payments. Here at The Fairell Firm in Metro Atlanta, we work diligently to ensure your child has everything they need to grow up and live their best life ever. Contact us today.
From dog bites to automobile accidents, the realm of personal injury can span the gamut. Any time someone causes harm to another person due to negligence there is the possibility of liability. A personal injury lawyer in Metro Atlanta helps those who have been injured and need help obtaining just compensation for that injury. We even handle cases where wrongful death has occurred. You can rest assured when you partner with our personal injury attorneys in Metro Atlanta that you will have experienced lawyers on your side. Get started today.
To get through the trials of life, you need a partner, friends, family, and a support group. Otherwise, life can be very, very tough. With the personal injury and divorce and family law attorneys at The Fairell Firm in Metro Atlanta, we believe in having open communication with our clients and providing exemplary customer service. When you partner with us, we become a member of your team, working hard to resolve your case in a timely manner and be thoroughly prepared so we can make the strongest case possible. Our divorce and family lawyers understand your life and your children's lives are at stake, and our personal injury attorneys know that your recovery may depend on the funds you receive from the accident.
If you are interested in our personal injury or divorce and family law services in Metro Atlanta,
call The Fairell Firm today!
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